Boy With Special Needs Celebrates Getting Kite Off The Ground For First Time | Happily TV

2022-02-18 3

A family has shared the wholesome when their son with special needs, who loves the book "Go Fly A Kite, Charlie Brown", was able to use his wheelchair to fly his own kite for the first time. In the uplifting footage, three-year-old James Parisi can be heard joyously saying, "I'm doing it," as he holds on to his space-shuttle themed kite as it floats in the air behind him. The moment took place on August 7, at Krull Park, Olcott, New York, and initially, James struggled to get the kite off the ground, trying time and again to get it airborne. James was diagnosed with a rare form of Congenital Muscular Dystrophy when he was five months old. Despite his condition, though, James has never held back in trying activities that other children enjoy. Initially, James struggled to get the kite off the ground, but he kept trying in the hope that it would eventually rise. Then, as the kite took off, James' identical twin sisters, Caroline and Lucy, aged two, chased the space shuttle through the field as their older brother drove his wheelchair forwards, amazed at what was happening.